Sweet Dough From Sour Dough Starter

This is the basis for several Breakfast treats that we serve at the Candlewick Inn. It is easy and versitle.

1/2 cup milk room temp.
1/2 cup sour dough starter
1/4 cup wwarm water
1 envelope yeast
1 lg egg room temp.
1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup shortening
2 1/2 cups flour
1-2 tsp ground cardomin (optional)

3 Tbl soft butter
2/3 cup rasins
2/3 cup roasted walnuts
2/3 cup brown sugar
1 Tbl good cinnamon
1 cup confectioners sugar
2 Tbl soft butter
1 tsp. vanilla or almond extract

1 tsp salt

Place yeast &warm water in bowl, stir to desolve,ad i tsp. of the sugar, let stand for 5 min.
ad the rest of the dough ingredents, mix well, turn out onto floured board and kneed, adding more flour as needed to form a soft dough. (about 1 cup of flour.) Return dough to bowl, cover and let rise until double. aprox, 1-1/2 hrs.
Turn out onto board and roll or pat into rectangle about 12 x 20"
spread with soft butter, combine the rest of the filling mix and sprinkle over dough. Roll tightly from the long side so you have a cilinder about 20" long. Spray a cookie sheet with baking spray, lift cilinder onto pan cshaping it into a circle. cover loosly with plastic wrap, let rise (about 1/2 hour.Brush with an eqq wash, cut little V marks with a sizzers along the top (to let out steam), Bake at 350 for 45 Min. mix frosting and drizzle over baked bread.serve warm.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 14-18
Prep Time: 1/2 hr,- rise 2 1/2 h r- shaping 1/2 hr
Cook Time: 45 min.

Other recipes by Candlewick Inn:
Baked Peaches
Strawberry Soup
Melons In Mint Sauce
Rhubarb Cobbler
Breakfast Pumpkin
Strawberry/spinach Saled
Southwest Strata
No Wheat Corn Bread
Sour Dough English Muffins


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