Sour Dough English Muffins

These are the base of our Eggs Benedict. The Sour Dough Starter is from an old worldstarter that I have had going for six years.The instructions seem long but read it through a couple of times and you'll see it is quite simple.quests often take starter h

1 cup milk
1/2 cup Sour dough starter
2 cups flour
1 tsp. sugar

1 tsp baking soda
1 cup (approx) flour

6hours or the night before you wish to make muffins_ mix the milk,starter,sugar, and 2 cups flour together, cover with plastic wrap and set on the counter.

Next morning - ad Baking powder and 1/2 cup flour and stir well. Empty dough on floured board an gradually kneed in flour as needed until your dough is no longer sticky. Pat out dough to abour 1/3 - 1/2" thick and cut with cookie cutter into 3" rounds.Place on cookie sheet sprinkle with corn meal.
now to cook your muffins. I cook mine on the simmer plate of my AGA cooker. An electric griddle or a black iron frying pan will also work. get you surface hot and place dough rounds about 1/2"apart on dry surface. Use a timer. cook 6 min. pr side. Removeand let cool, then split just like the ones in the store.But sooo much better.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: bakers doz.
Prep Time: 10min - rising time overnight -10 nin next day
Cook Time: 12 min

Other recipes by Candlewick Inn:
Baked Peaches
Strawberry Soup
Melons In Mint Sauce
Rhubarb Cobbler
Breakfast Pumpkin
Strawberry/spinach Saled
Southwest Strata
No Wheat Corn Bread
Sweet Dough From Sour Dough Starter


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