Breakfast Pumpkin

Filed under: Appetizers, Breakfast.

What a great reminder of Fall, Pumpkins and Apples. This is a favorite 1st course at the Candlewick Inn for Fall. Makes a beautiful presentation.

1 Pumpkin (about 2-3 lbs)
1 lg. Apple (peeled & diced)
1/2 Cup dried Cranberries
1/2 Cup roasted Walnuts coarsly chopped
1/3 Cup brown Sugar
1 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
whipped cream

Cut top off top of pumpkin & scrape out seeds and stringy portion as if you were making a jack-0-lantern. Save top.
Spray a small pie plate or baking dish with Pam.
Mix all the rest of the ingredients together and fill your pumpkin. Replace top. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. Bring baked pumpkin to table on small plate or baking dish.

To serve, scoop out some of the pumpkin and filling into small bowls. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkle of nutmeg

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 6 servings
Prep Time: 20 Min.
Cook Time: 60 Min.

Other recipes by Candlewick Inn:
Baked Peaches
Strawberry Soup
Melons In Mint Sauce
Rhubarb Cobbler
Strawberry/spinach Saled
Southwest Strata
No Wheat Corn Bread
Sour Dough English Muffins
Sweet Dough From Sour Dough Starter


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