Strawberries Supreme

Really delicious. Non fattening if you think of the whipped cream as calcium!

2 lbs fresh strawberries
3/4 cup heavy cream
1 tsp. clear vanilla
2 tbsp. superfine sugar
1/4 cup cocoa

Rinse, hull and slice strawberries
Whip cream
Add vanilla and sugar and whip until sugar is absorbed
Place strawbedrries into small fruit bowls or glasses
Put whipped cream into pastry bag and swirl cream on top of each serving
Sprinkle a pinch of cocoa on top of each mound of whipped cream
Serve and....
Lick the beaters when no one is looking!

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 8 - 10
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: n/a

Other recipes by Barclay Cottage Bed and Breakfast:
Apple Muffins
Banana Bread
Cheese Casserole
Banana & Raisin Muffins
Sausage N Eggs Casserole
French Toast
Barclay Cottage Frittata
Barclay Cottage Granola
Lemon Bread
Lemon Poppyseed Muffins
Barclay Cottage Quiche
Strawberry Surprise Muffins
Barclay Cottage Tropical Fruit
Zucchini Bread Fortified With Calcium


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