Egg In A Tomato

Filed under: Breakfast, Breakfast - Egg Dishes, Vegetables - Tomatoes.

The egg is dropped inside a hollowed out tomato and is baked in the oven for 25 minutes. Parmesan cheese is sprinkles on top then the tomato is broiled until cheese is toasted

One large tomato, one egg, 1 teaspoon butter and 1 teaspoon basil, one tbsp.Parmesan cheese

Use a room temperature tomato. Clean out the inside of the tomato with a apple corer but do not cut the bottom. Sometimes your fingers are the best way but cover them with food safety gloves. Then salt and pepper the inside. Turn the tomato upside down and leave in the refrigerator over night so the water drains out. The next day put all ingredients in the egg but the cheese and bake for 25 minutes. Sprinkle the cheese on top and broil til toasted. Garnish with herbs. The egg is actually poached in the tomato.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: One serving
Prep Time: Five minutes
Cook Time: Thirty minutes

Other recipes by Rock Village Bed and Breakfast:
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Ham And Egg Breakfast Braid
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