Cinnamon Poached Pear

Poached Pears

1 pear per person
Grape juice /red wine enough to cover pears
Brown sugar, cinnamon, all spice and nutmeg

Peal pears and core cut into 6 segments. Add grape juice and red wine, this only optional. Add sugar and spices - bring to boil and simmer until tender. When cooked, save juice and reduce until caramelized. Arrange into a flower shape onto a white plate pour over caramel and serve with kiwi fruit placed into centre to look like middle of a flower.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: Per person
Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10-15 mins depending on pears.

Other recipes by Britannia B&B:
Citrus Mousse
Fluffy Omeletes
English Scones
Creamy Coleslaw


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