Yummy Baked Bananas

This recipe takes plain old bananas and turn them into a wonderfully warm delicious 1st course. It's simple and it's perfectly scaleable ... serve one, two or a dozen! This recipe will serve 4.

1 banana per person

For the Sauce:
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 tblsp melted butter

Whipped cream and cinnamon for the top!

In a microwaveable dish, combine the heavy cream, orange juice, brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Microwave just a minute or two until warm. Stir ingredients until well mixed. (At this point you can refrigerate the sauce overnight but warm the sauce again just slightly before adding the melted butter.) Add the melted butter and stir again. Set the sauce aside. (You want the sauce at approximately room temperature before adding the bananas. If the sauce is too warm, they will get mushy even before they are cooked. If the sauce is cold from the refrigerator, the melted butter will lump when added.)

Peel the bananas. Cut in half lengthwise and then in thirds. Save this step until you are ready to cook the bananas or they will turn brown.

Add the bananas to the sauce. Spoon the sauce over the bananas to liberally coat them. Microwave on high for 90 seconds.

Spoon the bananas and lots of sauce into each serving dish. Top with a dollop of whipped cream and cinnamon.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 4
Prep Time: 10 miutes
Cook Time: 90 seconds


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