Plum Tart (zwetschgendatschi)

This is one of my favorites. My German "aunt" made this...never have I seen anything disappear so fast!

7 Tbsp Butter
1/2 cup Sugar
1 Egg
pinch of Salt
1 cup Flour
scant 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
Sliced Prune Plums, or Blackberries, or Dewberries…..almost any fruit


6 Tbsp Chilled Butter
3/4 cup Sugar
1 cup Flour
scant 1/2 tsp Cinnamon

Preheat oven to 390. (400 if your oven won't register 390) Cream Butter, Sugar and Egg together until very light. Add Flour, Salt and Baking Powder. Spread batter about 1/2 inch deep in a tart pan, spring form pan or pie plate. Chill till firm. Place sliced Plums on top. Sprinkle Streusel Topping over all. Bake until golden. At least 30-40 minutes. The dough freezes well, if you need to wait. Recipe doubles easily. One recipe fills two 8 inch pie plates or one deep tart pan.

To make Streusel:
Stir Flour, Sugar and Cinnamon together. Cut Butter in until mixture is crumbly.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 10-12 generous slice
Prep Time: at least 30 minutes
Cook Time: at least 30 minutes...I bake for 40-45 minutes

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Quiche (signature)
Fresh Strawberry Bread
Fiesta Casserole #3
Über-stuffed French Toast
Eight Pecan Bread
Chocolate Chip Cookies For The Troops


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