Katie's Spiced Cranberries

Filed under: Fruits - Cranberries, Holiday - Holidays, Holiday - Thanksgiving.

Serve with turkey or ham; delicious drizzled over vanilla ice cream or sliced pears or apples.

3 lb fresh cranberries
15 whole cloves
15 whole allspice berries
6 3-inch cinnamon sticks broken into smaller
3 inches fresh ginger root cut into matchsticks
4 cups sugar

Wash cranberries, discarding stems & shriveled berries.
In large heavy pan combine sugar, 2 cups water and spices.
Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring until sugar is dissolved; reduce heat and simmer 5 minutes.
Add cranberries; cook, stirring once or twice, until berries pop (about 2 minutes).
Remove from heat; cool. Refrigerate, covered or place in clean canning jars.
Wait at least several days before using to allow flavors to blend.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 3 quarts
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: +/- 15 minutes


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