Ivy Cinnamon Baked Grapefruit

This fruit is a guest favorite at The Ivy, including those that are not fans of grapefruit. Caution: Make sure that the guest does not take any medicine that prohibibts grapefruit.

Ruby Red or Pink Grapefruit – one grapefruit serves 2 people
1 teaspoon Butter per half Grapefruit
Cinnamon and Sugar mixture

Cut the Grapefruit in half and score each section.
Sprinkle the scored Grapefruit with the Cinnamon and Sugar.
Place the Butter in the center of the Grapefruit.
Place a Cherry in the center of the Grapefruit.

Bake at 350 degrees for 15 min.
Let the baked Grapefruit sit for 5 to 10 minutes before serving.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 2
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 15 minutes

Other recipes by The Ivy - An English Bed and Breakfast:
Ivy Stuffed French Toast
Fried Cinnamon Apples


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