Individual Dessert Trifle

Filed under: Dessert, Fruits - Strawberries, Romantic Recipes.

Serve this delicious trifle in an individual-size footed glass bowl so that you can see the luscious layers of fruit and cream through the sides.

Ricotta cheese
Whipping cream
Confectioner's sugar
Strawberries, sliced
Strawberry or raspberry preserves
Angel food cake

To make cream for layering, use one small chilled container of heavy whipping cream whipped to stiff peaks with 3 Tbls. confectioner's sugar folded into one small container of whole milk ricotta.
Add a dash of cinnamon in the folding. Refrigerate for 15 minutes before assembling the trifle.
In the individual trifle dishes, layer angel food cake, preserves, sliced strawberries and cream. Add a second layer of cake, top with more cream and arrange raspberries decoratively on top.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 2
Prep Time: 20 minutes

Other recipes by Thomas Shepherd Inn:
Hot Apple Soup


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