Golden Rod Eggs

Filed under: Breakfast, Breakfast - Egg Dishes, Eggs.

A wonderful vintage breakfast idea. Very filling, very old fashioned and very fun! Brings back old memories. A nourishing start in the morning, not just for our bodies, but our souls!

One egg per person
One slice toast per person
Link sausage like Jimmy Dean
For White sauce:
2 tbsp. fat
2 tbsp. flour
1 cup milk
Salt and pepper to taste (a white sauce is nice with a little heavy on the pepper)

Hard boil eggs. While eggs cook then cool, make white sauce by melting fat with the flour and whisking in milk. Thicken to your liking and add chopped sausage. Peel and separate the yolks and whites. Dice the whites into white sauce heating through. Press yolks with potato ricer, set aside. Assemble toast triangles on plate (preferably vintage) and ladle sauce over arrangement. Sprinkle generously with egg yolks.

Recipe Summary:
Prep Time: 1/2 hour
Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Other recipes by The Bohemian B&B:
Bohemian Scalloped Bananas
Drunken Bacon


Posted by Torey Stanley on 05/03/09 10:57pm
547 out of 1044 have found this review helpful.

"Golden Rod Eggs-Tennessee Style"
My mom didn't separate the white of the boiled eggs from the yolks. She simply crumbled the shelled eggs with a fork in a large bowl.Next she would sprinkle pieces of toasted bread with the crumbled boiled eggs. Then, she would top the eggs with the milk gravy she'd made from the bacon drippings, corn starch, and milk. She would apportion each of us with 2 slices of crisp bacon and a glass of milk. Man, it's one of the most vivid memories I have of my mom's cooking abilities.
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