Fresh Fruit Tarts

Filed under: Baked Goods, Baked Goods - Tarts, Brunch, Dessert, Fruits, Fruits - Berries, Quick & Easy.

Crisp almond crust filled with a light creamy key lime filling and topped with fresh berries and kiwi.

2 cups Honey Bunches of Oats, crushed to 3/4 cup
1 cup vanilla wafers, crushed to 1/2 cup
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup butter melted
2 TBS sugar
1 tsp almond extract
8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1/3 cup powdered sugar, or to taste
2 small containers key lime yogurt
(or substitute your favorite flavor)
Assorted sliced fresh fruit

To prepare crust:
Preheat oven to 300F. In medium bowl, combine crushed cereal, vanilla wafers, flour, butter, sugar and almond extract. Press mixture firmly onto bottom and sides of ungreased 10" round tart pan with removable bottom.
Bake 25 minutes until golden brown. Cool completely. Loosen side and remove tart from pan. Store baked crust covered at room temperature until ready to fill. Can be stored in airtight container for up to 2 weeks. This recipe will also make 8 individual tart shells. Reduce bake time to 15 minutes.
For the filling: Combine cream cheese, sugar, and yogurt and blend with a handheld mixer. Spread into tart shells.
To assemble tart: Slice fresh fruit and arrange on top of the cream cheese mixture. For a flower design, place a ring of sliced kiwi around the edge (for leaves), then a few rows of sliced strawberries (for petals), and finish with fresh blueberries or blackberries in the center.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 8 individual
Prep Time: 20 min.
Cook Time: 15-20 min


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