Elephant Ear Crackers

Thin,crisp tasty and no fat!

1 cup water
3 cups flour
1 t salt
1 1/2 t dry yeast
1 egg white beatten till frothy
poppy seeds
sesame seeds
salt course ground pepper

Place all ingredients in the bread machine on a dough setting--or mix and knead by hand untill elastic.
alow to double in size.
put on well floured surface and cut off tennis sized pieces.
put through a pasta machine at thickest setting--
drench each piece in flour and cut into matchbook size pieces.
put through pasta machine at thinnest setting.
Place on cookie sheets lined with parchment paper.
brush with beaten egg white and sprinkle with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, salt or your favorite thing.
bake in 400 oven till golden brown.
they will be uneven, interesting and the talk of your cheese tray.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 15 qt rubber maid bi
Prep Time: 1 hr
Cook Time: depends on your oven

Other recipes by Elephant Walk:
Stuffed French Toast


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