Classic Eggs Benedict

2 English muffins lightly toasted
4 Jumbo eggs
6 large egg yolks
1/2 stick of butter cubed 1 inch
1/2 fresh lemon
1/8 tsp of chervil and tarragon
4 slices of Canadian bacon

Bring 2 inches of water in large saute pan to low boil. Over a double broiler whisk 4 egg yolks, slowly add cubed butter while continuously whisking until all butter is incorporated and becomes a light mayonnaise consistency. Remove from heat. Poach Jumbo eggs in large pan until whites set up. Pan sear Canadian bacon. Arrange muffins topped with bacon and then poached egg on top. Lightly drizzle a small amount of Bearnaise on top. Sprinkle with chervil and tarragon mixture.

Recipe Summary:
Yield: 2 servings
Prep Time: 20 min
Cook Time: 15

Other recipes by 10 Fitch:
10 Fitch Gluten Free Cinnamon Pecan Pancakes With Caramelized Bananas
Beef Tenderloin Crustini's
Gran Marnier French Toast
Baked Eggs With Spinach And Artichokes
Tropical Breakfast Sorbet


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