Baked Caramel French Toast With Toasted Pecans, Whipped Cream And Berries.

Ingredients for 6-8 servings
2 loafs of cinnamon bread
1 1/2 stick of butter
1 1/2 cup brown sugar
6 tablespoons corn syrup
2 cups pecan halves

10 large eggs
2 1/2 cups whole milk
3 Tablespoons vanilla
Strawberries, blueberries
Real whipped cream

I put the butter, syrup and brown sugar in sauce pan and heat until melted, stirring frequently. While I'm doing this I have the pecan halves in a frying pan, heating them until I can smell them. I toss them frequently so both sides get toasted.
Pour caramel mixture into a 9 1/2 X 13 glass baking dish covering with the toasted pecans. Cut crust from the bread and place them over the caramel/pecan mixture two slices high. Mix the milk, eggs and the vanilla together real well and slowly pour over the bread lifting the top layer so that egg mixture soaks first layer also. Cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator overnight.
Preheat oven to 350, remove plastic wrap and bake for approximately 45-50 minutes. It will swell up and be slightly brown. Remove from oven and place dish on wire rack to cool for about 10-15 minutes before cutting to serve. Garnish with whipped cream and your favorite berries. Enjoy!

Recipe Summary:

Other recipes by Cadiz Street B&B:
New England Scrambled Egg Popovers With Sharp White Cheddar Cheese And Herbs


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